How to Sell on Ebisu’s Bay Cronos NFT Marketplace? Monetize Your Digital Creations Today!

Do you want to monetize your digital creation today? If you’re not able to find a platform, then fret not as we are coming up with a mind-bursting idea. Well, the platform on which you can sell your digital creations in a straightforward manner. Get ready to sell your precious cronos NFTs on the Ebisu’s Bay marketplace. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process, ensuring you can easily list your NFTs and reach potential buyers to leverage your earning potential. Let’s check “How to Sell on Ebisu’s Bay Cronos NFT Marketplace?

How to Sell on Ebisu’s Bay Cronos NFT Marketplace?

selling Cronos online in Ebisu is a straightforward yet tricky process. It all depends on the steps you choose. Well, you have already landed ion the perfect step guide. So without further ado, let’s get started!


Before we dive into the process, here are a few prerequisites to ensure you’re ready to list your Cronos NFT:

  • D5 Wallet: Make sure you have the D5 wallet from You’ll need it to cover a small gas fee associated with listing your NFT.
  • Cronos Tokens: Ensure you have Cronos tokens in your wallet to cover the gas fee. If you have (CRO) tokens, you’ll need to bridge them to Cronos. This process is currently in beta and is known as Chronos Beta.

Step 1: Bridging CRO to Cronos

  • Open your Cronos wallet.

Open your Cronos wallet.

  • Click on the “Chronos Bridge” option.

Click on the "Chronos Bridge" option.

  • Transfer your CRO tokens from to Chronos Beta if they are not already there.

Transfer your CRO tokens from to Chronos Beta if they are not already there.

Step 2: Accessing Ebisu’s Bay Marketplace

  • Launch your D5 wallet from

Launch your D5 wallet from

  • Click on the “DApps” section.

Click on the "DApps" section.

Step 3: Finding Ebisu’s Bay

In the DApps section, scroll down to find Ebisu’s Bay listed among the Cronos DApps. You can also save it to your bookmarks for easy access.

In the DApps section, scroll down to find Ebisu's Bay listed among the Cronos DApps. You can also save it to your bookmarks for easy access.

Step 4: Listing Your Cronos NFT

  • Open the Ebisu’s Bay marketplace.

Open the Ebisu's Bay marketplace.

  • To save any Ebisu’s Bay pages, simply click the bookmark icon.
  • In the upper right-hand corner, click the circle icon.

In the upper right-hand corner, click the circle icon.

  • Select “My NFTs.

Select "My NFTs."

Step 5: Choosing Your NFT

In the “My NFTs” section, locate the Cronos NFT you’d like to sell. Once you’ve found it, select it.

In the "My NFTs" section, locate the Cronos NFT you'd like to sell. Once you've found it, select it.

Step 6: Initiating the Listing

  • Choose the “Sell” option.

Choose the "Sell" option.

  • In “Step One,” approve the transfer.

In "Step One," approve the transfer.

  • Step Two” requires you to enter the price at which you want to list your NFT. Consider any service fees and royalties associated with the project. For instance, if you own one of the founding NFTs, your service fee may be reduced.

"Step Two" requires you to enter the price at which you want to list your NFT. Consider any service fees and royalties associated with the project. For instance, if you own one of the founding NFTs, your service fee may be reduced.

  • Click “Continue.

Click "Continue."

Step 7: Confirming the Listing

  • In “Step Three,” confirm the listing.

In "Step Three," confirm the listing.

  • Be prepared for a network fee, which may vary. In the example, it’s approximately 1.8 CRO.
  • Click “Confirm.

Click "Confirm."


You will receive a confirmation of success. Now, your Cronos NFT is listed at the price you specified. You can find it in the Chronos Chimps marketplace as well.

How To Monitor Your Listing?

To ensure your NFT is visible to potential buyers, follow these steps:

  • Click on the menu in the upper right-hand corner.

Click on the menu in the upper right-hand corner.

  • Select “Collections.

Select "Collections."

  • Choose “Chronos Chimp.

Choose "Chronos Chimp."

  • Navigate to the Chronos Chimps marketplace to see your listing.

Navigate to the Chronos Chimps marketplace to see your listing.

That’s it! You’ve successfully listed your Cronos NFT on the Ebisu’s Bay marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Ebisu’s Bay marketplace?

Ebisu’s Bay is a marketplace specifically designed for Kronos NFTs. It provides a platform for buying and selling these unique digital assets within the Kronos blockchain ecosystem.

2. How do I obtain a D5 wallet from

You can obtain a D5 wallet from by downloading the app and creating an account. Once you have the app, you can access the DApps section, where you’ll find the Ebisu’s Bay marketplace.

3. Do I need to pay a gas fee to list my Kronos NFT on Ebisu’s Bay?

Yes, there is a small gas fee associated with listing your Kronos NFT on Ebisu’s Bay. You’ll need Kronos tokens in your wallet to cover this fee.

4. What should I do if I have (CRO) tokens and need to bridge them to Kronos?

To bridge your (CRO) tokens to Kronos, follow these steps:

  • Open your Kronos wallet.
  • Click on the “Chronos Bridge” option.
  • Initiate the transfer from to Chronos Beta.

5. Are there any discounts or reduced fees for certain NFT holders on Ebisu’s Bay?

Yes, if you own one of the founding NFTs for a project, you may be eligible for reduced service fees on your listings. Be sure to check the specific project’s details to see if any discounts apply.

6. How can I monitor my Kronos NFT listing on Ebisu’s Bay?

To monitor your Kronos NFT listing, follow these steps:

  • Click on the menu in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Select “Collections.”
  • Choose the relevant collection (e.g., “Chronos Chimp”).
  • Navigate to the Chronos Chimps marketplace to find your listing.

7. Is there a recommended pricing strategy for Kronos NFTs on Ebisu’s Bay?

Pricing your Kronos NFTs can vary based on factors such as rarity and demand. Research similar NFTs in the marketplace to gauge pricing trends, and consider any service fees and royalties when setting your price.

8. How long does it take for my Kronos NFT listing to appear in the marketplace?

Typically, your Kronos NFT listing should appear in the marketplace within a minute or so after confirming the listing. However, the timing may vary based on network activity.

9. What should I do if I encounter issues while listing my Kronos NFT?

If you encounter any technical issues or have specific questions about listing your Kronos NFT, it’s a good idea to seek assistance from Ebisu’s Bay support team or consult the community for guidance.

10. Where can I find more resources and updates related to Kronos NFTs and Ebisu’s Bay?

Stay informed about Kronos NFTs and Ebisu’s Bay by following relevant communities, forums, and official channels within the Kronos ecosystem.


Selling your Kronos NFTs on the Ebisu’s Bay marketplace is a straightforward process. By ensuring you have the necessary prerequisites, bridging your CRO tokens to Kronos, and accessing the marketplace through your D5 wallet, you can easily list your NFTs and potentially find interested buyers. Hope the above guide has helped you in every way possible.

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